Workshop Details

Lawyer Up

A Leadership Program Focused on Helping You Attain Personal + Professional Success

You’ve been practicing law a while now. Long enough to learn the ropes, but as you look ahead, you’re noticing you need additional skills to fill the “gaps.” Skills you didn’t learn in law school, that you didn’t realize you needed until now…

Integrating Work + Life: You’d like to learn how to integrate life and work in a way that works for you. 

Making Partner: You’d like to make partner, but aren’t sure if you’re taking the right steps to get there. 

Building Support: While practicing law is fulfilling, it can also be isolating at times. You need more support (outside of the office).

Overcoming Barriers: You’re hitting walls that keep you stuck, you need some tools to help you work through your mindset, to move forward.

Learning How to Lead. You want to become an effective mentor, to lead others. But, no one has the time or energy to teach you.

In the Lawyer Up program, you’ll learn how to practice law while building critical skills that will help you more forward, towards your goals. 

You will build the foundational skills necessary to thrive in your legal career…

Here is what you’ll learn:

  • Understanding Your Style: Become aware of your behavioral style and strengths to communicate more effectively.

  • Managing Your Mindset : Learn how to manage negative thoughts and shift from pessimism to optimism.

  • Becoming an Efficient, Proactive Communicator: Become more efficient and communicate more clearly with clients and colleagues.

  • Relationship Building: Maximizing Your Strengths and Authentic Style: Identify the relationships you want to maximize and learn how to use your strengths to do so.

  • Leading While Following:- Learn how to move towards a transformational, collaborative leadership style in your relations with mentors and others

  • Maximizing Your Practice: Mastery, Meaning and Purpose: Learn how to work towards mastery vs. achievement and the importance of developing a growth mindset throughout your career.

Program Date, Time and Format:

TBD.  Check back for more details.

Your new journey is just a click away.

It’s time to let go of “business as usual” and start your journey to becoming the lawyer you want to be without sacrificing your well-being. Reach out and let’s get you started on this journey today.

    Thank You.

    I’ll be back to you shortly. In the meantime, feel free to learn more about my practice by checking out my recent blog posts.

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